
should have just linked him the article again, he apparently missed its purpose.

i think they get it because that was the ENTIRE POINT OF THE ARTICLE.

yeah, that’s what it was.  i swear, all you people and your hot takes, you’d carve out your mother’s still beating heart if you thought there was a contrarian take inside it.

and that’s how you end up looking like an idiot. fucking moron,

learn how to set your shit up right, fucking noob.

you should just kill yourself. seriously. i’ve thought about it, but i’m not as butthurt as you. i actually feel pretty good about myself right now, seeing that i dont have THAT MUCH stupid rage in me.
i thought it was a good fit for me, ending it all, but maybe we were brought together here so i could pass that

I wonder if you went under a pen name and started uploading some stuff...see if that helps ya suss it out a bit.  This sounds like an L vs. Light scenario.

are all of the courses titled like that?  I get Pile of Poo getting it deleted, makes sense even if I don’t agree with it.  But to hear ALL of his MM1 files went that way, too?  Did those have the same title styling?

queue all the people who want everyone else to know they are too good for dominos. lol. fuckng liars. even if you arent eating pizza, you’re here on thetakeout, so you’re fat already and your self-described high standards have you right here with all of us, fat as fuck.  but in your case, Oh High And Mighties, it’s

that’s teh sauce

yeah you can act like you’re above it all you want, you’re still a filthy cum stain who managed to coagulate and birth itself out of someone else’s womb.

hitler’s regime specifically tried to indoctrinate the american public and sway their opinions. sound familiar, right?

dont even have a proper argument, lazy ass. lol.

there’s only a difference because you insist upon it. it’s the same fucking thing. you know who else doesnt get a lot of roles in hollywood? cable guys. but i’ll be damned if jim carrey didn’t play one. it’s stupid. tons of blue collar folk try to make a run at acting as a career all across this country, and i know

the only proper take. it’s her job. she probably loves doing it. there’s a reason they hate being type cast. it’s restricting. would be like telling a painter they can only paint scenes of life they’ve experienced, don’t bring anyone else’s culture into it. it’s fucking stupid. or a song writer, only write songs about

hence the outrage, fuckin idiot.

did you stop playing, or just stop watching? 

2-2-2 is going to suck. I am a tank main and I regularly find myself switching to Moira, Mei, Bastion, and sometimes even Junkrat or Pharah as the situation dictates. To me, that is the underlying game design premise of Overwatch.

The closest thing I can think of is when cars became more prolific and cheap enough for younger folk to get involved. Even then, that was not as big of a social change as the internet. Where a car could bring people together quickly over shorter distances, the internet has brought the entire world together for better

reaction videos and influencers are the legacy of millennials.  what a pathetic thing to leave in your wake.  they were given the internet, the world’s information at our finger tips, and what do they do with it?  ALL THE DUMB SHIT.