lol. gambling addiction. fucking parrot.
lol. gambling addiction. fucking parrot.
i mean, you can pretty much say that about any process running on any pc story though.
Luckily enough for us we get to read your entire post before noticing that you forgot punctuation.
Ted Cruz.
what an idiot. lol.
LOL. damn. what an idiotic take.
agreed. everyone riding her nutts over this, regardless of their take, is to blame/be credited. lol.
this game is in my top 3 of all time. That lists shifts, but no game taken off of it has ever been put back on. a worthy feat, Hollow Knight. My standards are high, as am I on my own opinion’s worth.
damn. you got ran off pretty easily. lol
cferejohn’s point still stands. you should address it. it is possible to think Trump is a fucking idiot AND not be over the moon about John McCain.
well, the difference is we’re not all running around calling ourselves super geniuses while also being really fucking retarded. but it’s ok, you can stick the pacifier known as Facile Arguments back in your mouth. the people you don’t bore with your words outside of these forums are grateful, but it’s one of those…
my first g/f had a grandmother that would go on and on about regis being about to do the same with his boots. Unprompted. She just really wanted us to know.
you’re stupid lol
Disclaimer: painting with a very broad brush here. Please forgive me for not acknowledging experiences on the margin, but I feel the point I’m making here still stands...
then you’re not as pretty or confident as you need to be for the targets you are pursuing. plain and simple.
Bruce is a pretty common and typically male name. What is gender challenging about Bruce?
that annoyed you? life is going to destroy you. lol. pro tip: thicken your skin and become less sensitive to triggers.
he wrote an entire article detailing the reasons why, dummy. did you read it?
If they provided the product he was demanding, he’d have no reason to pirate either. So the consumer defaults to their own self interest. this isn’t complicated.