this is a deeply flawed and incomplete characterization of reality.
this is a deeply flawed and incomplete characterization of reality.
uh oh, we got a woke one here, who knows all about insider beltway goings on.
there isn’t one, that’s stupid.
everyone here is putting their logic cocks in your ass, yet you persist. jesus christ you’re fucking retarded.
oh get the fuck out of here you complete imbecile. that bitch was getting paid and like every other cock wallet on the planet, hers was empty and she used it and the ball-licking tongue inside it to pull a power play because her fuckin ego was dinged. it’s her fault she has her shitty fucking jobs, not anyone…
oh shut the fuck up you spoiled cunt of a person. and no, we don’t need a fucking lecture from an out of touch fuck such as yourself on taking into consideration the menstrual-fueled psychotic impulses of a flight attendant with a modicum of power. you pussy bitch.
now if only the anti-loot box crowd could get a message written up like this. fuck entitled media consumers.
if all you wanna do is see story and get loot, play another game maybe? probably easier than an entire dev team fragmenting their player base.........
smooth brained shallow thinking right here folks. apply your own logic: if someone isn’t able to raid, they should be a stand in. matchmaking is for pussies. “Give me lower skilled opponents so I have a 50/50 shot at winning, but oh noes the smurves and boosters!!” or the ever present “i gots no fwends....but i wanna…
just play hollow knight or shadow tactics if you want single player lovin’.
I’ve always been satisfied just walking around my house muttering, “aim for the heart Ramon...”
can’t they just study at a church? those big buildings full of religious experts?
i hate christians all day, but i’s called Sunday School dude....
lol eat a fat cock fuck boy and go die on a cross please.
that’s the old joke: republicans care about you all the way up until you’re born, then you can get fucked.
it’s not prejudice if you’ve lived it.
i’m sure someone is already pursuing that thread. probably the aclu or some shit.
i’m glad i’m able to enjoy art even when it plays in the margins like this. feel bad for fuck boy cucks who not only notice that irrelevant minutia, but also feel compelled to post about it.
Amplitude follow up, plox, kthxbye.
if the answer is 1, then how come it’s actually 9?