
9.  6 divided by 2 is 3.  3 x 3 is 9.

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww poor baby.

wtf r u talkin boot?

There is an HOA here in Texas, north of Austin, that is outside of the town’s police jurisdiction. However, said police department allows its officers to write HOA-based tickets to the people living there during events like the Fourth of July. At this HOA, fireworks are not allowed. And although the cops won’t show up

this is retarded.  use parental controls, take responsibility for your own behavior, and stay out of peoples’ personal business.  i don’t see the problem.

you didn’t think americans actually had discerning tastes, did you? 

the irony of your forum name and the fact that the Ghost just burned the fucking shit out of you and your mom.....nice.   vampire weekend is fucking garbage, btw.

and this is why i won’t watch this show.  what a terrible way to wrap it all up.

most of them would readily allow it to happen, thinking they would get gas to huff.

It is absolutely a real issue. But imagine applying this logic to any other trade. Only electricians can be electricians? How would anyone learn anything? Aren’t we supposed to benefit from walking in someone else’s shoes? Doesn’t cinema accomplish this? I don’t want a half-assed performance from a real bank robber. I

I can imagine all day how Tony knew about Peter. Sokovia Accords compelling registration, a web slinger making headlines, drones following him home, etc. etc. The point is it not playing out well, not being earned, and yet everyone loves it. While simultaneously, people like you line up around the block for all sorts

i think, to an extent, you can charge them with some responsibility. but the level to which people drag actors for literally only doing their job is ridiculous.

the world just needs to purge all things Sonic except Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and Sonic & Knuckles.  Everything else, please gtfo.

not really how it played out though, is it?

you wouldnt need all those semantic tricks if your argument carried more weight.  but it is otherwise sound, and i respect that.  i still don’t think, considering the stakes and the circumstances, that an escort was unreasonable.  are we sure we’re not just upset that a bunch of ladies were on the screen at the same

just to be clear, literally none of your points justify an actor being shamed (for lack of a better term) out of a role when acting is what they do.

i agree with your underlying sentiment, but this is no reason to condemn an actor for acting, regardless of the role in question or actor playing it.

she’s powerful, but not immovable.  thanos tossed her aside with one hand.  she can still be overwhelmed, or have the ball stripped from her.

they didnt want anyone else. joe russo said he wanted to do it.

keep fucking shuddering, nobody gives a shit about your random and pointless musings. besides, you’re spending your morning posting on a gaming forum. nothing wrong with that, until you (specifically you) start laying fingers to keys and typing this dumb shit. fuckin idiot.