Voice of C. Montgomery Burns

No one was saying that.

Because Paris and Texas are both small towns in rural America that share names with the cultural capitols of Europe.”

the Audi Quattro was the first rally car ever in WRC with a permanent four-wheel-drive.

Early 2000s Yankees for me. My friends got to see Jeter’s final grand Slam. I was so jealous. But shoot man A-Rod, Jeter, Mariana Rivera, Mark Teixeira. Then you got Big Poppy on the red sock, that was exciting times.

That Nolan! Very pretentious indeed to not have 15 mintutes of unporposeful, raw fucking in his movie about the development of the atomic bomb.

Its nice. But I don’t see $600k worth of anything here.

This is bullshit and hopefully he fights back against the airlines.

Do you know where you are right now?

No, the private message is written in a way that it’s clearly answering a specific question she must have asked and it was meant as private communication between a couple. This should never have been shared with the public.

So cheaper cars have the shortest inventory. Shocking, considering the brands have been pushing hard to sell more expensive product. Remember, the chip shortage meant manufacturers selling only more expensive models because of the fatter profit margins.

Fair market value is not fair.

Awesome. Just let us know when ADM goes away and dealers start actually dealing again. 

Not feeling your numbers. I bought my first new BMW for $40K when I was 42 a dozen years ago. I had a mortgage (admittedly small by modern standards), student loans, and some low interest credit card debt. I also made just under six figures, had company health insurance (that my share of is EXPENSIVE), maxed out my

Unless you have 10 kids or drug habit yes you can.

I’m doing my part to combat Global Warming by spending less time in the air.

This contest is over! Give that man the $10,000. 

Maybe you can find a path to enjoying Jackass via some entry level stuff. There’s this classic called “Man Getting Hit By Football”. The ball... his groin... it works on so many levels!

Learned it from Fortnite.  Flossing on Marie Antionette.

Now, make a submarine out of it.

I’m sure those 18th century peasants who beheaded the king just did it because of video games.