Voice of C. Montgomery Burns

There’s a bit of deceit in the “average engineer” driver type of statement. They used different engineers at each track but a couple of them are basically amateur race car drivers vs. the average 55yr old ‘vette buyer who at best took a lap around the neighborhood HOA looking for mailbox violations.

Is this an opinion or a confession?

You are assuming that the housing market drops but your wealth and spending power isn’t similarly eroded?

Tacky and gaudy through and through.

A gold bar, so you can stroke your precious while you wonder how your life became a material and lonely hell hole.

Certainly when the civilised world comes to an end in a few years some warlord will take possession of it but will be blown up by a roadside bomb.

the buyer is most likely a bad guy IRL also 

Interesting, but utterly at odds with traditional RR thinking of not being vulgar. This, is vulgar.


I know it’s not adult like, but I feel nothing but disdain for this little shit.  

Can he please, please, please please please please go to prison

The ugly paint job, the music, overuse of the word “bro” and the dopey “how could this have happened?” look after so many dumb choices.
And this person is an “influencer.”
God help us all.

“no more driving cars like this in the rain.”

*Friend, profusely bleeding from multiple points in his head, clearly needs to get to a hospital.*

Jack: Bro, hold my phone and film this!

Clearly a danger to society and encouraging more dangerous behavior.

Youtube should ban him immediately. 

Repulsive little twat.

Annnnnd he will buy another one with all the clicks he is about to get.

Wow, can’t pull one over on you, can I?

Not sure who you were reading before, but it wasn’t me.