

I love you.

"Manning's arm is. just. fine."

"I am so fucking happy I played me this week!"

Any guesses on the interference call?

Hah! "Bring back 'The Gritz Blitz'!"

Forgive me for going to the default image that your post imposes upon me, but I must ask the question...

Matt Ryan: "Quit it with the comparisons. I don't want to throw two intercepts in the 1st quarter."

I haven't been this happy for Bronco Nagurski since...ah fuck it, it was an historical reference.

Peyton Went Down To Georgia?

/at a bar later that night

I snorted.

Wow. Stafford does his best Vince Young on that interception/floaty.

Truthfully, I've got some beef short ribs simmering in some sort of concoction. It's the very first time for me. I've no doubt I'll fuck it up.

With respect to Vick, that be a forward pass, eh?

Let me know how things turn out.

I like the protein element to be warm. I season it up so that it gives yee olde salad a bit of a kick.

I'm a Giants guy and I appreciate everything he's done, but, but, he's beyond this incompetence, isn't he?

Totally agree-one warm ingredient is the way to go.

I'm so on board with what Albert is slicing down. However, if you've done more than a few, a salad with a warm element is a winner.