
You're right, they shouldn't be called anti-choicers. They should be called forced-birthers.

Lupita wins, but I adore that tartan dress. The belt is not my fave, but the dress — wow. Love that.

a) you're right on.

Totally agree. If I have a full-fat latte in the morning, I'm good until lunch. If I have nonfat, I NEED a bagel/pastry/muffin or whatever else I can get my hands on.

"Produce music" made me instantly think of Peep Show.

If my hubs did that, I would totally eat his slobbery nibbled piece. That's love.

I thought the same thing, but let's face it, those people are watching Netflix anyway. I know that's what I'm usually doing on Friday nights.

You know, my Valentine's plans were to cook and binge watch House of Cards, but now I kind of want to just order pizza. You have the right idea. I don't think it will be that difficult to convince my husband.

It's even styled exactly like her long hair. I didn't even notice it was shorter at first.

Oh, yeah. The Originals is wayyyyy better at this point. It's my favorite guilty pleasure on TV.

"The woman is pretty bad at trying to do unbiased, objective journalism."

Hell, he could just type the word "bullshit" and call it a day.

I missed that, about Bill Cosby. Spill!

How much more obvious could it have been that it was 100 percent sarcasm? Hell, in the very same sentence, she was referred to as a "self-enthusiast."

Yeah, I actually said, "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??" aloud at that one.

Yeah. I literally yelled, " Nooooooooooooo!"

I absolutely loved him as a thinly disguised L. Ron Hubbard in The Master.

I think I'm more angry with this woman's therapist than I an with her revolting father. Pre-bypass, she was clearly starting to realize that he was irredeemable. Post-bypass, her therapist subtly shamed her into accepting her father's abuse of her as being out of love, despite his many explicit statements that he

That's horrible. I didn't have your experience, of course, and I was never overweight, but I was never the most skinny, either, and my mom shamed me just for that. "Oh, wouldn't you just love to look as good in a bathing suit as your friend so and so? It's too bad you never had that sort of commitment." And on,

That's exactly why I gave up on therapy. I had better luck with the book "Feeling Good" than I did with 5 previous therapists, starting at the age of 10.