
I've always been loathe to point out Cathy Horyn's apparent personal dowdiness, but with that haircut, I feel she's just trolling everyone. I mean, honestly.

Well, to clarify, this particular commenter is actually a big fan of calling women who dare to embrace their sexuality "whores" and "sluts." So it makes sense that she'd jump on the "Amanda Knox is a whore. Guilty!!" argument.

I was that kid. I get it.

You would totally condemn me if I was publicly (and wrongly) accused of murder. I shut down and internalize in these kinds of surreal situations, especially anything involving death, and very likely come off as cold to people who expect and demand a certain reaction. Those people would happily see me to the

Actually, no. No new evidence came up at all. It's the same old crap that caused the appeals court to overturn the conviction in the first place. The Supreme Court didn't like that conclusion, but the evidence was exactly the same. I'd find source material for you, but I'm at work. I looked into this exact thing

Me too. I'm not and never have been extremely naive like Amanda was, and there would be no cartwheels or anything of the sort, but I can guarantee that I wouldn't act the way that people would expect me to in that situation, and certainly not the way the (it seems to me, incredibly sexist for the most part) Italian

Dude...I had the exact same thought. You're my kind of gal.

Yeah, I cringe every time someone brings up the bra clasp as if it's solid evidence.

I'm still choking on the utter cynicism.

Trotting this woman out, with her sinister, explicitly regressive, anti-woman views, as a "kindler, gentler GOP woman, and gee, isn't she terrific," is an insult to my intelligence. Enjoy being used as part of a vile, cynical GOP strategy, Rep. McMorris Rodgers. I guess all those indulgent, patronizing smiles and

I feel you. The wording could have gone either way.

There's something unappealing about puppies and dunking?? Really?

As soon as I saw this headline, I felt a sense of foreboding.

"One of the first things I would say is one of the tattoos that I have on me that says, 'What are you doing?'"

Man, isn't True Detective SO GOOD, though? Team McConaughey!

A single reference to "midpriced sweatpants." That's it. I feel you may be overreacting.

I love that the guy demanding "classiness" from a black woman is wearing a confederate flag t-shirt in his profile pic.

I largely agree with this.

Yup. Nailed it.

Yup, fightinginfishnets nailed it. I was wearing a 36 band, when I'm actually a 32. Still, I had a LOT of cleavage. I really don't know how I kept that insanity going for so long, but I'm comforted knowing I'm not the only one.