
I'm so tempted. But then again, it just isn't the same as an original tattoo. It's the shortening of "Winona" that gives it such magick.

This article turned out to be an expose on how incredibly overrated Annie Leibovitz is, which is already a big "duh" if you know anything about how Annie Leibovitz operates, but it falls kind of flat considering that it's still focusing on trying to justify $10,000 spent on original photos that are only marginally

Maybe he doesn't want to discuss it because he doesn't want to drag his former castmates into it. That was my first thought. And the article did say that he later pulled the reporter aside and admitted that he still watches it. Which is kind of nice.

I don't understand blaming Dan Stevens for his supposed "attitude" about Downton. Julian Fellowes all but forced him out with that incredibly boring Season 3 non-storyline for Matthew. It's clearly Fellowes' fault. He's known as a bit of an asshole and I doubt Dan Stevens is the only one who can't stand him. He was

This is a bad example. It later became the best idea ever, for real.

Absolutely not, and in fact, we're still waiting for an apology from you people.

I've never seen the American version of The Vanishing. Only the original Dutch film, and I'm still not over that one.

I told my husband I would totally sleep with Robert Pattinson or Gael Garcia Bernal if given the chance, but in reality, it's a list of about 10 people. Benedict and Hiddles are definitely on that list.

He endeared himself to me forevermore with that "Wino Forever" fix.

Dan Stevens looks great. Good call on that beard, Dan. His new movie intrigues me. Fuck you, Julian Fellowes, for making his season 3 storyline, "I HAVE STRONG OPINIONS ON FINANCE, HARRUMPH." A "shellshock" storyline would have been perfect. The opportunity was staring Fellowes in the face. What a waste.

I'll show them fair! My white glow will entrance them.

Here is a metaphor for the Obamas' convo on this situation:

Obviously everyone knows smoking is one of the worst things you can do, but obtuseness about WHY people smoke never fails to get me rolling my eyes.


You've got to be kidding with this hairshirt monstrosity. Jesus Christ. No one wears couture worse than Lena. Not that this isn't completely preposterous to begin with. It feels like Anna Wintour is trolling her. "Honestly, Lena, this outfit is so hot right now!"

Has there ever been a special Target designer collection that didn't revolve around loud and downright insane prints?

He was adorable on Celebrity Ghost Stories. Kid loved his grandma.

I'm totally accepting of kids on airplanes, unlike many people. It can't be helped. Even crying is unavoidable. That's what headphones are for. But seat kicking is a different thing altogether. The parent should put a stop to that immediately, every time, no exceptions. Ever.

It could end like the plane ride I took over Christmas where a woman somewhat rudely pointed out that a child was kicking her seat

Still not ok. Not black, can't use that word. The end.