
These "this seems like it will be terrible because I'm hella grumpy" posts are proliferating on Jezebel. Alas, I don't think it's so much guerrilla marketing as simple snarky cynicism about anything that doesn't contain Jennifer Lawrence or Kerry Washington.

All of this to avoid going to a link that itself links directly to (your supposedly desired) examples of virulent misogyny and homophobia in the MRA world.

"Did you know that men have been shown to have a lesser degree of in-group bias and actually are more likely to defend women than other (wo)men, which means that point actually works against you?"

Shaq seems like he would be hella fun to drink wine and watch TV with.

Yeah, that gets on my nerves, too. It's like it blows their minds that some people (ME) might consider thongs more comfortable than other kinds of undies, especially granny panties. It's not just an issue of "too vain for panty lines."

You can buy Mrs. Meyers at most supermarkets. The fancier supermarkets will have a larger selection.

I mean, honestly, what could possibly be deemed disingenuous about pretending like you don't know what a pun is?

Yeah, it makes complete sense that a non-MRA would be so put off by the mere mention of the incredibly obvious fact that MRAs are often homophobic (something you've never once seen) and conveniently refuse to read the internet's leading round-up of MRA fuckery as evidence (a website run by a male, mind you), because


It's even spelled "Manboobz." Clearly it's a pun that primarily targets ideology and behavior (the well-known and old-school "boob" insult is just a synonym for "dumbass"). Because physical "man boobs" is also a thing that people recognize, it's also a subtle, ironic reference to how ultra-critical of women's

Yeah, he does the ultra passive-aggressive troll thing where he will insist to the death that he's just a reasonable dude who doesn't care for ideology in general (because feminism is clearly all about rigid ideology and rhetoric. Hey, just sayin'!).

Let me break it down for you: it's a pun. "Boob" is an old-school insult meaning "sucker" or "fool." It's a synonym for "dumbass." I mean, you likely already know this, because who doesn't, but you thought you could trip up some feminists with a couple of dog whistles and a provocation about transphobic radfems.

You really shouldn't bother. You might be wrong is a well-known MRA troll around these parts. Hence the feigned shock that anyone might think MRAs could be homophobic, and the transparent attempt to make ManBoobz look sexist and transphobic because it has a benign pun for a name that very clearly focuses on the

"but they [Ed. note: "WIMMEN"] rationalize it saying that since it is men hurting other men, its OK."

I love breast meat myself. And you know what's completely un-fucking-believable? You can buy just the breasts! The other parts go into separate packages for people who like those parts. I don't actually have to throw the rest of a chicken in the trash. Amazing. Maybe you and I can split a whole chicken sometime and

I liked that Khloe stood up for him and pointed out that people are constantly looking to pick fights with him.

"More Scott" is pretty much my mantra for this show. He's really the only reason I watch.

Why on earth wasn't Scott there to make LaChappelle feel small?? He's the only one who could pull it off.

Those people drive me insane. At least take 5 minutes to learn the bare minimum about what Chuck Palahniuk is all about. Even if they haven't read the book, the film was Palahniuk-approved and carries the same message.

I have no doubt that Kanye's recent run- in with a dismissive high-fashion executive, someone who answers directly to the well-connected billionaires who typically own high-fashion houses, has Kanye thinking a lot about connections, global business power structures, and the like. I just think that he's a bit too