
That's very true. His sound bites often have me nodding in agreement. His explanations and semi-soliloquies always have me squirming halfway through.

I don't think it's Palahniuk's (or Fincher's) fault that people misinterpret Fight Club. People are disappointing. And obtuse.

Of course, pretty soon those bands won't have a say. The public domain is creeping in. "Love me Do" is already there, making our parents feel quite old.

Not necessarily. The Naked Gun Demi
Moore photo parody was transformative because of it's "pure parody" and explicit humor. This is closer to the Tom Waits and Bette Miller cases.

This is far from a textbook "fair use" case. The fact that they are trying to sell shit is already a large black mark against it, period. I think GoldieBlox realizes that, but they are still throwing out the fair use dog whistle to passive-aggressively make people think less of the BB. The courts have consistently

So does your use of "oh, ok" indicate that you immediately believed this ultra-convenient cokehead story? Nigella Lawson is perhaps the least plausible celebrity cokehead of all time.

a) you're absolutely correct.

I will never tire of David Caruso memes. NEVER.

I guess someone needs to break this down for poor Norman Pardo, manager-to-the-incarcerated-celebrities extraordinaire, so here goes.

Would a "dick sucking pants" joke be too obvious?

"My overly sensitive introvert nature just can't handle it."

I totally agree with you except...Jennifer Lawrence made transphobic comments? This is news to me.

Yeah, I don't think she seems bitter at all. I think people just think she's bitter because she has Resting Bitch Face. Just like me!

Yeah, if I'm not having Pinot Noir, I'm generally into Beaujolais or Malbec.

I have a tendency to collect other INFJs. Two of my closest friends are, but I don't know any others. INFJs of Kinja unite!

See, that's how you do it. Undersell your prowess.

Hell, we'll magick up our own special INFJ wine out of thin air! I've just decided that INFJs are badass witches, BTW.

If you're an INFJ, you can have whatever wine you want at our INFJ wine party. We need to stick together.

Right? A dude would be all, "I have a large penis, and here is a funny joke about how huge it is," and I'd be all, "GET IT IN MY MOUTH RIGHT NOW."

Right? We're like 1-2 percent of the population or something. I am a textbook case, apparently.