
For me, the most surprising thing about Girls is that my rather macho, car-fixing, fly-fishing, rock-climbing southern-raised husband likes it more than I do. I like it, but he likes it more, which is kind of weird.

I really liked the episode with Patrick Wilson, but felt like I was in the minority. It definitely made me a bit uncomfortable, but I think that was the point. The moment when it becomes clear that he is looking for a couple days of manic-pixie dream girl and doesn't want her to actually, you know, talk, was quite

You know what? Maybe letting conventionally attractive people go Photoshop-free is Step 1.

I find Scott's cheeky self-awareness refreshing.

My side-eye at the documentary was completely overtaken by my astonishment and wonder at his completely seminal performance in The Master. As good as DDL was as Lincoln, I still feel Joaquin was robbed.

I caught a couple episodes of that too, and I had the same reaction. I ended up just really wanting to give Aaron Carter a hug. My empathy went into overdrive.

I actually screeched and clapped during this moment on the show, because I absolutely despise the inexplicable confusion between the proper use of your/you're and their/there/they're.

For some reason, the more played out the "Imma let you finish" thing becomes, the more it pleases me. I think you've just identified why. Kanye's tears.

I actually really like Kate Middleton (though I reserve a bit of side-eye for Pippa), and I really don't have a problem with the royal family. But anything that comes out of Morrissey's mouth is gold. He can do no wrong in my eyes. I can't stand PETA, either, but I give him a pass on that, too. Who is more

You know, I don't think I've ever truly disliked Kanye until he hated on Zappos. That is uncalled for, sir. They carry many fabulous brands and they have free overnight shipping for repeat customers. I mean, who does that? It is amazing. They very likely have the best retail customer service on the planet. Shut

I was reading this issue while I was getting my hair done, and when I saw that...thing, I held up the page and yelled at my stylist, "THE FUCK IS THIS THING?" Really. It just sort of came out.

"which, as far as characters go, was a goddamn national treasure"

Mine is sort of opposite of that. She is a very warm person who loves kids, but had only one. That one turned out to be a bit of a dud in the form of my cold, narcissistic mom (yay for me! And my Nanny). As a child, my mom hated to be touched or held. I really don't know why they never had another kid. I don't

Yeah, that Scott and Khloe would do platonic hand holding seems almost normal for that family. If there was anything going on, I seriously doubt they would hold hands in public. Or maybe that's what they want you to think!!!!


Now playing

I used to think the same thing, but I found these guided meditations by Andy Puddicombe to be extremely helpful:

I see your Ken Watanabe and raise you a Takeshi Kaneshiro:

Proof that virulent Cat Haters are generally complete psychos: The "cat people are all suffering from toxoplasmosis that tricks them into liking cats" freak who trolls every single cat-related thread, ever.

Wu-Tang Brows ain't nothin' to fuck with.

Yeah, that photo is incredibly unflattering, and Kendall Jenner is gorgeous, IMO.