
Are you under the impression that the situation you describe is charming rather than a dickish overreaction?

This is me. There is literally nothing I like more than sitting on the couch watching my shows and eating stuff. I can only bring myself to exercise a few times a week, and I don't really enjoy it that much. I wish I was sportier and more active, but sitting on the couch, smoking a bowl and eating is just really,

It really pisses me off when my husband finds my sweets stash. Fortunately I've found a new hiding place that I'm pretty sure he would never think of.

Sorry, I reject the Fuck Marry Kill construct in this instance.

It's not too late to make Christian Grey Irish!

Jesus, is it even possible to more "manly" that a swaggering northern Brit who plays an outlaw biker? If anything Hunnam's too stereotypically manly for the role.

For a second after I finished The Fall I was worried that hot guys were ruined for me forever. He was that good.

A gourd, huh? Sounds like he may have his own birth-themed pumpkin monstrosity in mind. :)

Well, she's right, those pumpkin pubes are indeed quite disturbing. And you're right about the seeds. You'd make a much better pumpkin artist.

Man, it sucks that it's too late for you to switch to an OBGYN with a sense of humor. Now you'll have to cancel all the hilarious birth-related pranks you had planned.

The X Files was amazingly successful at incorporating comic relief in even its scariest episodes. One of my favorite examples is in the exceptionally creepy Tooms. Right after Tooms is released from the mental institution and immediately proceeds to go outside and start seriously creeping on a woman to ominous

I wonder how many times the exact phrase, "what the fuck, where is "Home?" was uttered while scrolling through this list. *raises hand*


If there's one single thing that the editors of OK! and I will ever agree on, it's shipping the everloving fuck out of Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. Scully and Mulder 4-eva.

Hmmm...maybe gaydar is most effective on those of the same sex. Opposite-sex gaydar is probably about as effective as the gaydar of straight people. That would make sense. As a straight woman, I sometimes think people are gay, but I know I'm out of my depth and I certainly wouldn't take it to the bank.

"Gaydar" strikes me as a relatively solid phenomenon.

I totally agree. It's just that a rumor linking him with Vera Wang, of all people, seems so strange and completely random that it seems like there has to be a kernel of truth to it.

I completely agree about non-sexual touching (at least not overtly sexual) and emotional intimacy being integral to wanting to have sex more often/more enjoyable sex. For a long time I thought my libido had dropped off. I was frustrated, my husband was frustrated, it sucked. I did some introspection as well and I

They must also be roommates! Melissa is a slob who just doesn't give a shit, and Jason is a fastidious clean freak. Hijinks ensue.

Stephen Moyer is perfect for the role. Carrie Underwood, not so much.