
The Vera Wang thing really threw me for a loop. I mean, what?? Why would she, of all people, agree to this beard thing?

Right? At least Johnny Weir has a sense of humor. He's a diva, but he's at least honest.

I'm so confused about Evan Lysacek. He's still pretending to be straight? And he's screwing Vera Wang in the process? So, so confused.

No, the Russian position is that they reserve the right to arrest and detain any Olympic athletes in their country who are openly gay. They are in no way making an exception, at least not publicly. Whether they will be willing to actually risk arresting another country's citizens is another question entirely, but

You take Shane and I'll take Ryan.

I was thinking the same thing. Adam Scott looks full-on bobblehead in this photo, and in real life he doesn't actually have an unusually large head.

I like how about halfway through, he remembers he really likes Girl Scout cookies, so he equivocates with, "well, just mark out the girl scout stuff with a Sharpie." Even though you've just given money to the Girl Scouts organization, it's all ok if you get out a Sharpie. That's honoring God.

I was going to make the exact same comment. Get out of my head!

That's the great Idris Elba, a Brit who starred in The Wire, Luther and Pacific Rim.

It reminds me of something that happened in Ewan McGregor's motorcycle road trip series Long Way Round. He gets clipped by a car in Canada and when they all stop, the kid who gets out of the car is 16 and on one of his first drives alone. He is totally shellshocked with a look on his face that says HOLY FUCK I JUST

Even if it's cheesy, it's a great song, and her delivery is beautiful, even if she's not a "real" singer, a la Adele. I mean, she sounds better than Nico. Nico is amazing, but Lana Del Ray is not the first singer to cultivate an image effectively while making good music, despite her less than ideal vocals.

James Franco really should win Best Supporting Actor for Spring Breakers. He won't, but he should. Say what you want about him, but he was fucking amazing in that. Alien was a character for the ages.

It really is. I so wanted to hate Lana Del Ray, because her carefully curated image got on my nerves, but I didn't actually listen to any of her music. Then I heard that song and I was like, "whoah." I actually really love her voice and that song is just gold. I admit to listening to it on repeat for almost a

It's thanks to Rush Limbaugh and other right wing bloviators who relentlessly pushed the term "feminazi" into the lexicon.

That was classic. She was so patient with him, and this was before any significant number of people realized that Ali G was actually Sasha Baron Cohen.

I think it's only been about 6 years, and he's had his own firm for that whole time, which is crazy considering his lack of success. Mid 40s — law school was later in life. His two previous partners had the initials JS and TH. Current partner is EK, without whom the firm would likely crumble. Waaaaay to good to be

Yup, that's the one. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when GL left the firm. I'm sure things were thrown and you could hear the screaming a mile away. One-sided, of course.

I'm willing to bet money that Obama had never even heard of Terry Richardson until approximately 2 minutes before he went in front of that camera. If that. And Uncle Terry finishes every photo shoot with that dumb thumbs-up thing.

This was my last splurge, except that I have the brown one with shades of pink in the braided strap. It originally retailed for $600, but I paid $200 on eBay. Got the certificate of authenticity and the original receipt and all that, but I would never pay even $600 for a purse. I adore Lockheart (the leather is

Good god, that bag is gorgeous. That's probably the first LV bag I've seen that I can say I love. I'm sorry you couldn't have it. My idea of a splurge is a Lockheart or a Tano bag, so, you know, between a tenth and a twentieth of that sparkly beauty. And still not cheap.