
We have one child (who is a college junior now, so not really a child anymore) but until his late teens our main vehicle was a Honda Pilot. With 3 rows. We didn’t use the third row unless we were hauling around several of his friends (or teammates) but we used it pretty regularly. When the 3rd row was folded down like

Because when you have two kids, you often find yourself driving around with those two kids and a couple of their friends. Or car-pooling to some sports practice, or to school, or what have you. There’s a lot of usefulness to a 3rd row, even a tiny one that’s torture for a real-sized person for any length of time.

I think it’s about the capacity to haul more people. If you have two kids and two parents, you only need two rows. But if you have three and you need to haul friends and relatives too - you can. And if you don’t need to haul them, you’ve got a lot of space for luggage, groceries, pets, sports equipment and so on.

Here in NJ the state will give you a $5,000 tax rebate on top of the federal one. It came down to the preference of hybrid vs. all-electric when I was shopping before. Ultimately went with another electric over the Kia, but I was impressed.

Back in the day of universal full size spares, rotating with the spare wasn’t uncommon, and made sure it was always aired up and fairly recent. Doubt the tire shops minded selling 5 at a time either.

I agree with you, this was not a bad engine. Compared to the steaming pile it replaced, the 2.3 Vega engine, it was a bellwether: a big four-cylinder that was just smooth enough (yes, it was still a rough-running engine) for consumer use without the added expense and weight of balance shafts. I think GM was so giddy

There is a difference between a ‘weak’ engine and a ‘bad’ engine. The Iron Duke was certainly weak. It was never bad. They are bulletproof, easy to work on, and will last nearly forever with regular maintenance. The world is full of examples of fancy, high-power engines that regularly detonate unless absolutely

I learned to drive in a ‘80 Mustang with the 2.3 and 3 speed automatic. THAT was the worst engine I ever drove. I would have killed a guy to get the 115 horsepower that my Jetta has.

You could feed one rocks and Coca-Cola and it wouldn’t die. It ran on 100% premium spite.

That will only work if you remember to tug on the cord and say to your buddy, "That's not going anywhere, right?"

No plane large enough, but given how slow they are going maybe it would be faster to just hire a bunch of Amish guys to carry them.

Wind farms also tend to be places where it’s........windy........

Sure, but helicopters may cost a lot more depending on a number of factors. 

Just looked up the cargo compartment of a C-5 (the biggest plane I know the name of) and the length is 121 feet. There are bigger planes, but I don’t think that much bigger. 

I say this as a dyed-in-the-wool environmentalist: at some point, we need to get people who don’t give a shit about the environment to also buy EVs. We need to get everyone (or at least most people) driving vehicles that aren’t powered by fossil fuels if we are to have a hope of preserving at least some of the Earth’s

A mid 60's suicide door Continental for me please! Engine note was never a big selling point on the land yachts anyways and as thirsty as old big blocks were you really aren’t losing range going electric. At this point I couldn’t see dropping one in my Mustang because its a loud, side piped hooligan machine. That’s a

You’d be able to fit an entire Telsa Battery pack into the trunk of a 72' LTD

Yup. I’ve said the exact thing. A nice Lincoln Mark IV or Mark V from the 1970s that had choked-down gas guzzling V8 engines in stock form mated to power-sapping 3 speed slushboxes. Instead of spending money on improving the performance of these, ditch the entire powertrain and replace it with Tesla bits.

The 430V8 in my Buick was so quite I frequently ground the starter thinking it wasn’t running, that being said it would be nice to see a land yacht given new life with a fast as hell electric motor. The Buick was not a fast car.

They’ll also have a ton of room for batteries.