Victoria LeRoux

$100/year for the middling content Netflix provides still whips the living daylights out of the $100/month for pure garbage that the local cable co. has on offer.

From NoClip to AllClip.

Every Hero is attractive. Even Ana came out nice for a senior.

Look, I made it better!

Is Gizmodo returning to its science and technology roots? I could not be more pleased to see this article.

From the Porsche configurator:

We are going to build these turbines and we are going to make the polar bears pay for them.

Ok, so what do you suggest we do? Allow China to continue its expansion into the S. China Sea, build up military bases on these islands, asert it’s dominance in the area completely, control trade, and then let them fuck us for the next 100 years because we want everyone to play nice?

So when does Brandon Sanderson take over to finish the series?

To be honest, I’d have the rest of them go home or get lost in time for a season, and just have Mick and Constantine semi-drunkenly staggering from misadventure to misadventure. Constantine handling the mystical stuff, with Mick being the absolute salt-of-the-earth skeptic who believes absolutely none of it.

John Glenn knew elevators weren’t vehicles.

I’m going to texas in January, and no lie, I’m most excited to go to Buc-ees.

First 45 minutes of the film are a bunch of characters waiting outside a gate until everyone has arrived and is ready.

The 90s called. They want their scandals back. They think we should get our own scandals.

She made the costume. She’s posing. She chose to distribute this media to the internet and for anyone to look at. This is much different from dudes constantly demanding women be sexy in everything from games to hamburger commercials.

Right? Who the hell deserves to give their kids a taste of happiness?!

Oh good. More total nonsense aimed at Millenials. My favorite.

I read that comment quickly and somehow assumed he was making fun of climate change denial. My mistake. I think this meme encapsulates the problem pretty well.