Milk is delicious mmmm creamy milk
Milk is delicious mmmm creamy milk
Only slightly related, but when I was a kid after watching the dreams to dream song I was convinced that if I just flung cleaning solution everywhere all the things it touched would become shiny gold and clean without doing any other work. I am still disappointed that cleaning doesn't work like that.
Yeah I read the title as "management rings" and thought it was some new show of rank for managers at work.
Also see if they will let you buy a sleeveless prom dress and then put a fancy jacket or sweater over it if you can't find one with sleeves attached.
Yeah I didn't know what to do because I didn't want anything similar to my normal internet names so HERP DERP I guess.
I just used this because I didn't think I would stick around to comment more than once so I just typed dumb words into the box. Now I'm stuck with it. Oh well!
I can't get there until the end of march he better start talking again I don't know if I can last that long without spontaneously crying all the time.
I am in a very similar situation, I've barely gotten him to talk to m for the last two weeks. I get some texts every day but nothing else and it is making me sad because it feels like he hates me even though I know that isn't true.
Well this isn't me but one of my friends dated this guy during high school and the first half of college and then broke up because distance and dated other people, started hanging out again after college, got back together, and they just got married.
I feel that way too sometimes, like "UGHHH I'm so slow he must be bored." This is why I prefer the 69 so I get to do something too
I had that and it was terrible so it really cemented that I wanted to break up
(this is the video I mean)
This is almost as good as the video of him singing Rihanna. I love you Vin Diesel.
I'm in a long distance relationship type thing and every time I go visit him it is awesome and fun, but then once I have to go back to school and leave he gets depressed and stops talking to me for days and it makes me really sad. I know he has depression issues but I don't know if I should just keep bothering him…
I actually think he was photoshopped onto this model because the dress resembles the prison jumpsuit he wore for his mugshot, not because they are calling him a girl
I remember singing along to "I touch myself" by the Divynls in the car with my dad when I was little...Why did you let me do that, dad?
I played field hockey so I half get the stick thing. Maybe that is why I can still half use my left hand.
I still can't write cursive very well. But since I was a lefty and switched to righty I can write legibly with both hands. I can only draw with my right hand, but I can paint with left and right. It makes no sense.
Watching messy eaters makes me almost vom in my mouth a little. Go team.
I was left handed until we started learning cursive in 2nd grade. I switched because I could not figure out how to do what my right handed teacher was doing with the opposite hand.