
Oh yeah I know. They start to look like spindly giraffe legs when you combine the length with the thinness!

That is also standard fashion illustration practice, add an extra head of length to the body all in the legs.

I ended up switching to regular Illustration in the art department. I still really like fashion but I don't think I could mentally hang in that industry.

I was lucky because I could draw very well so she let me get away with my curvier figures, but she tried to get me to make them skinnier every time. I just didn't listen.

I was in a fashion illustration class and frequently got scolded for drawing thicker thighs and butts. I LIKE BUTTS.

I think I remember the owner saying on another video that they are all Scottish folds but with out the fold mutation. One of their older sisters in a another video is folded.

I used to argue with my mother when she wanted me to apologize for something I was extremely not sorry for (I didn't mind if I was only somewhat not sorry).

I wasn't just given a sweater, I was given a sweater 4 sizes too big! USEFUL!!!

I disagree, my last pair of snow boots (they just died) were northface and they lasted 6 years of Syracuse winters and were very comfortable.

I black out at a certain level of drunkness every single time so I think it just depends on the person. I figured out where to cut myself off after much trial and error. I also have a pretty shit memory when I'm sober so I don't know if that helps contribute to my easy blackouts.

Oh man I know her too I laughed so much when I saw this article.

Bexley is a very rich white neighbourhood thats why. Also her dad is one of those ambulence chasing lawyers with dumb tv commercials.

I've typed "buttpiss" enough in my android that it suggests that as soon as I type bu...

I was looking into donating in the Bay Area and the website I was looking wanted more asian donors. So it probably just depends on the demographics of where you are donating.

I didn't like a dumb hair rule at my privet school. I challenged the rule and the school administrators had a vote. My hair won and the rule was changed. You don't have to follow every rule without protest.

I've had mirena in for about 6 months, I am childless and for me the insertion pain was just like 5 min of period cramps. I had about 4 months of spotting and then it stopped. The only side effect I have noticed is increased sex drive but that is from getting off the bc pills and not the IUD itself. It is definitely

Oh my god I remember my dad listening to that in the car when I was little and I sang along and when I was older and heard it again I was like AHH WHYYY THAT IS SO AWKWARD. I'm sure he laughed at me a lot.

I am on my phone and unable to post pictures so someone insert Troy Polomalu for me.

Wedge sneakers are awesome, I even own the middle pair in the example pics. Guys also compliment me on them, so I am just going to assume all the guys that said this stuff are bad at clothes.

The tox screen showed L-methamphetamine, an ingredient in nasal decongestant, not actual recreational meth.