Viva Forever

The “scolds” are suffering because irresponsible people are exacerbating the situation, which is leading to a longer epidemic and more deaths. This is literally life and death. It’s not scolding people for cutting the line, or talking in a movie theater. The risk/reward factor here does not compute. Someone’s “need”

You’re most likely mad at yourself for denying yourself the pleasures that someone else enjoyed.

The scolds are often simply reacting to the same vacuum of information by clinging to a type of superstition: As long as I forcefully denounce the risk-takers then I myself will be made safe.

It’s good exercise and will make you happy.  Alternately, hopping or jumping are options.

I am always amazed by the people who don’t realize there is free porn everywhere on the internet... Oh yeah, this isn’t about sex, its about getting off on violating another persons privacy.

Dolly is inadvertently responsible for me learning my grandpa’s code word for “large breasts.” I eventually realized that every time he described someone as having “good diction” there was cleavage involved. Dolly was the kicker. She’s also just great.

He’s got her maturity level and a similar personality.

This seems like a calculated outrage grab designed to loose followers on the front end, get views, and coast to 100m+ when done 

Followed by “who tha fuck are you people even?”

with a surprise celebrity guest

In happier times, I would point you towards a state fair.

There’s a section that riffs on the traditional Southern institution of the county fair, though it lacks the cheerful sleaziness and ambient libidinal energy of the real deal

Oh dear God.

I’ve followed Jack from his Steel Train days, through Fun. to Bleachers.

This article feels like it tries to make a point and misses the mark by a mile. Reading back through this article it seems like the most severe “overshadowing” is an asinine comment in an article by GQ. I don’t know how anyone would look at these works and honestly think

This is a really weird article.

This. Exactly. If you don’t want people to hear about Jack Antonoff, stop writing about Jack Antonoff. See Recommended Stories on Jack Antonoff at the bottom of this story on Jack Antonoff.

I don’t like watching games like tennis. Something about the back and forth motion, from whatever angle, bothers me. This article was basically watching tennis between “All evidence points to Jack Antonoff as being a decent person who is good at his job” Vs. “I’m trying to link him to bad people to make him sound bad.”

you wonder if Antonoff’s collaborators would benefit from him taking a bigger, less vocal step back.