Viva Forever

Yeah, Dolly’s style of irony has always been self-effacing rather than sarcastic.

Someone pointed this out several days ago on Twitter and it is now my OBSESSION.

I dunno, I feel like the objectionable thing here isn’t that two teenagers thinking that eating snails is gross, but rather that two hella rich teenagers have gotten hundreds of millions of followers and a reality show to make them even richer. Aunt Becky’s daughter who?

But as the great Countess LuAnn once said, money can’t buy you class.

[joke about his partner shouting “JASON DERULO” in bed]

Every word of this post is my thoughts.

(Binary trans person here)

Fucking Hillsong. I hated them when I was super into Christian music because of their stranglehold on the market, and I hate them now because they’re, well, typical megachurch Evangelical bastards.

Only if it turns out to be Margaret Cho.

And how many women’s careers didn’t get off the ground, despite never even knowing him, because they didn’t have the Cybills/other victims of the world as role models, or as evidence that women could lead shows and be funny?

He was a boy lion; she’s a girl lion.

I love Taylor Dayne, but what the fuck has she done to her face? When last I paid attention (over a decade ago), she’d had some unfortunate surgery, but this is a whole new level. Yikes.

Shortly after I started at a new job, two of my co-workers and I went out for drinks to celebrate me coming out. It turned out one of them went HARD and had like five beers while we were watching the Jeopardy! Teen Tournament, and when one of the kids missed an answer, he said, “That kid is so stupid. Somebody should

That final, half-hearted “When you vote for me, you’re voting for the sake of the kids” literally has me in tears.

She looks like Jessica Simpson.

Nothing but respect for MY president.

Why - and how - is it that out of the six people on those three movie posters, not a single one of them actually looks like a human being? They all look like invaders from the uncanny valley.

Unpopular opinion: Home for Christmas is overrated. A Christmas to Remember is the best Amy Grant Christmas album.

Given Sophie’s line about “I don’t want to do it on my own,” it does sound like Donna’s dead... I’m really not sure how to feel about this film. The original is probably my #1 all-time favorite, but this feels off. The girls playing the younger Tanya and Rosie are great, though, and seeing Sophie performing with

#1 - Melanie Martinez is missing from this list.