Viva Forever

Total class acts, both of them. Methinks the ladies of SNL could take a page from their book.

*first accusation*
me: I’m not sure, it was a shitty thing to do, but he seems to be owning up to it...

Absolutely. I shop almost exclusively at F21 and H&M simply because they’re about the only places I can find things I like at non-gape-inducing prices. (Hell, even if I weren’t worried about gaping at price tags, I occasionally find things I like at JCP or Macy’s. That’s it.)

Well, the idea is actually solid - since disease spreads faster on college campuses (lots of people in close quarters), it’s even more important for people to have good health coverage to prevent, curtail, and treat outbreaks. The problem is then they just push people into the commercial health insurance system, which

This is fucking ungodly, and I mean that in the literal sense.

Imagine what would happen if they refused to provide Viagra, full stop.

Oh, no, Notre Dame is very “conservative rural Catholic.” You know, Protestantism, but with purgatory.

At obscenely expensive rates, yeah. I was in undergrad 2010-2014 and had the option of buying it. When I was in grad school (at another university), 2014-2017, students were required to carry a certain amount of health insurance, and were required to enroll in the university’s overpriced horseshit if they didn’t

I might buy this if Lisa Bloom weren’t rich enough to buy a $2.3 million house last year. That doesn’t necessarily mean she’s a zillionaire, but she is rich enough that she could have chosen not to represent him, and still had money and time to spare for pro bono clients.

I liked Scrappy when I was little. Now I find him annoying, which I imagine most adults do... but there are a lot of adults who are quick to label any children’s character who’s even mildly annoying as terrible, an offense to humanity, the worst thing to ever cross their TV sets, etc. (Witness: Barney.)

Came here to post this tbh.

Why does Meredith look like a straight-haired Sophie B. Hawkins?

I don’t know, the Vicente Fox video has some shady lines:
- “The current president of the electoral college of the United States”
- “You’re always drinking Diet Coke, which by the way is not working.”
- “That would be like marrying a model who won’t even sleep in the same city as you.”
- “Do svidanya, comrade.”

Personally, I still cannot believe that Sam Taylor-Wood-Taylor-Johnson actually stooped to the level of Fifty Shades of Grey. She’s still mad at E.L. James, I’m still disappointed in her. It’s, like, the circle of life.

“And she took it by a considerable lead of almost 1,500 votes”

I will watch this if and only if her character introduces the last hot topic of each day with a “Save the Best for Last” pun.

Honestly, it does my heart so much good to see politicians directly standing up to Trump this way, especially when they do it as boldly and blatantly as Boston’s mayor.

and the goat-footed balloonMan whistles far and wee