“regular people with firearms are almost five times more likely to be shot in an assault than those not armed, University of Pennsylvania researchers found.”
“regular people with firearms are almost five times more likely to be shot in an assault than those not armed, University of Pennsylvania researchers found.”
Welcome to the class war.
Revenge is a dish best served cold. Keep tabs on that bitch, finish school, track her down and show her what 3 years of boxing lessons look like.
Filling that much space with my wit is going to be exhausting.
Well. Case closed then, because it’s not true. One hundred percent of Bostonians, massholes and new Englanders are not racist. So.... what do we do now? Invent new material?
Isn’t it really just the level of talent? How many kids play in D1? 15000? Like less than one percent of that makes it to play regularly in the NFL. Being above average isn’t good enough. Being big isn’t good enough. Being gritty isn’t good enough. To be a star you have to possess all of that and more.
Can confirm, but swap in mountain dew. Barf. Wisconsinites.....
No one on this planet is allowed to order my dinner. Fuck that nonsense.
Eli is available
And they don’t practice fucked.
Technically you are right. Do you know if there is an actual term for the NB - Fall River - providence region? Buzzids Bay?
I suspect they are going to go with Pence in four years (or less I hope).
Eternally funny
Danny Ainge should be automatically added to a new level of the hall of fame today for that absolute ROBBERY of a trade
I would listen to luck narrate the phone book
Love it!
Literally all the stars for the remainder of time until the sun expands into our orbit.
You will get thrown out of the stadium for that by security.
Just more proof of the cowardice on the right. Anonymous newsletter....? Way to stand up for their ideals (however shitty they are). If you cannot stand up in public and declare your position, you don’t really believe in it. Hiding behind some organization and mailing two bit photocopies is too weak to give my…
Easy to deal with. Just don’t read the msm. Go directly to the source and make up your own mind. I don’t trust any profit based media sources at all. Zero percent. If kamala made a speech, I read it and avoid any dissection or analysis.