
Compared to Simmons you, Magary, are a fucking hack. You aren’t funny, and your jamboroo column sucks.

Bruh no one from Norway wants to come to THIS shit hole nation.

America is stupid and awful. We deserve to be excluded from the international community. Or nuked. Just get rid of us. We are actively making the world worse.

Hahaha Trumplestiltskins, you ain’t getting your wall.

The Confederate battle flag is the white flag of dishonorable surrender. Traitors. People flying that flag should be jailed for sedition.

That’s like how for lent, I give up giving up things for lent.

The statement about every war starting by accident is very troubling because it’s so patently false. Are they really dumb or what over there.

You guys have such a hard on for Boston. Get a fucking grip.

Great post

There’s nothing wrong with hate. It’s the flipside to love. Without hate what would love be?

So I’m curious now. A lot of people are blowing smoke up the Sixers asses claiming they’re going to be the next Dynasty - do you see that?

Christmas is a usurped, stolen holiday. It’s the newcomer to the holiday season and no one likes the nouveau riche

I wouldn’t go to an NFL game if everything was free AND you paid me $1,000.

I think the comment is directed at noted Boston hater Tom Ley.

That song is hot af

He hadn’t been touched by a defender. He’s not down yet

That play was so, so awful. On par with the Colts fake punt.

That’s just dumb. No one smokes pot and drives 20 on the highway outside of movies. Get a grip.

Totally agree. Plus, to everyone else who feels the need to tell other people what to do, don’t. Worry about your own shit.

Io Saturnalia, folks!