
It’s nice to know that Trump’s mental state is declining so rapidly he can’t keep his racist thoughts in his head anymore.

I think you missed a spot, on that boot.

You do realize that $1000 is before a little thing called “taxes” are taken out of it, don’t you?

Jesus Christ, no.

My entire office is looking at me like I’m an idiot now, and it’s because of this post. I tip my hat to you sir, and thank you for the good belly-laugh.

That’s $11/hr for 40 hours a week for 52 weeks a year.... $22,800 a year salary (before taxes). No... that’s a shitty wage everywhere. It’s just slightly less shitty than $7.70/hr for 40 hours and 52 weeks at $16,016.

HR MEMO: “Find reason to fire any non-corporate employee at the 19.5 year mark.”

Watching you comment is kind of like watching a dog lick it’s own ass.

Not for 20 years of service in a profitable company. That is chickenshit.

Can you imagine how soul-crushing working at Walmart for 20 years must be?

Have you ever wondered what has Marzipan named you?

This story touched a nerve with me when I heard about it last night. School salaries and wages are ridiculous in Louisiana, and I’m pretty sure my state isn’t the only one where that problem exists. Ms. Hargrave raises a valid point, so let me try to break it down so everyone understands.

Or their students.

LA and MS are usually at or near the bottom of everything you can measure.

Yep. Pretty standard for America these days.

I think it’s relevant in the sense that it follows the deadliest year on record for trans people. I think the point they were trying to make, which perhaps didn’t come across clearly or artfully, is that 2018 appears to be picking up where 2017 left off.

He is accused of hitting his wife with a hammer and stabbing her to death.

I LOVE that his reckless, stupid tweeting is being used against him. Love love love.


Half of these people appear to be inbred or to have suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome.