
Maidment is a poor man’s Daniel Day-Lewis (with apologies to Mr. Day-Lewis). Spanfeller looks like Ted Cruz’s distant cousin. 

Great Hill Partners contact number (617)790-9400

What is happening here? Is he wearing half a Hefty bag? 

Is this what that book “The Obesity Code” espouses? I know that has something to do with fasting as well. 

OMG - Miley’s endless “Look at me! Look at me! I’m edgy and cutting-edge and live by my own rules, y’all!!” shit is so sad and annoying. I called it when she and Liam got married - it was going to be too boring for her, and she would drop him in a hot second for not being as “edgy” as she thinks she is.

Dump: “Hooray, look at me - I got a ceasefire that will save millions of lives that are at risk of being ended because I caused the actual conflict! Someone call the Nobel Prize people STAT!” 

Warren had the time to fully explain her plan in the post-debate interview, and she refused. At least three of the panelists asked her in different point-blank ways to answer the question about taxes, and she steadfastly refused. Points to her for staying on message, but it does make her look shifty about it. It

This is absolutely horrifying. What - was a case of Rice-a-Roni waiting behind door #3?

That roar of applause when they came back from commercial made me expect the next words to be, "Welcome back to The Price is Right!" The game show feel to these debates is so incredibly weird.

Did anyone else get the Ron Reagan atheist commercial during the break? Awesomeness!

Did Harris diss Joe by blowing off his attempted handshake?

Did Harris just diss Joe re the handshake?

Anna Merlan (ex-Jezebel) now writes for Vice - I’m going to give them a try:

As do I! Can anyone recommend another site that covers politics/current events/elections like Splinter did? I really need somewhere to plug into for that type of content that does it well with good writing and decent commenting.

Is this now the closest thing we have to Splinter? Does anyone have any Splinter-type sites they can recommend that cover politics/current events/elections? I need to find a Splinter replacement ASAP. Thanks! 

Sorry - not related to the story, but I don’t know where else to post this. Does anyone have suggestions of other sites that do Splinter-type political reporting now that G/O has killed Splinter? There is so much going on right now, and this content no longer has a home in the Gawkerverse. Any suggestions greatly

That is fucking ridiculous! This Paul Maidment guy sounds like an absolute tool. Why buy the sites just to destroy them? 

Yes - sadly, it’s gone. Thanks for nothing, G/O!

Splinter died yesterday. G/O pulled the plug. There is a Daily Beast article about it out there. 

Found him!