Vitamix A3500

That’s not how it works. You have to prove me wrong. God you Bernie Bois are so tedious and need everything done for you. She literally was the best candidate of all time with the most experience and credentials and if you don’t realize that by now you never will but when she runs in 2020 and she’s going to I know for

Her policies? Her policies were super good! She wanted open borders and more taxes to support more immigrants. She wanted to promote democracy across the globe and work to reverse Brexit. She wanted to get rid of lobbyists and banksters alike. She wanted equal pay, $15 minimum wage, and free college.

Isn’t it somewhat intellectually humiliating to work this hard to avoid answering a simple question? I imagine this is compartmentalized to a degree and drown in the virtue you believe you are emitting, but there still has to be some small part that knows the answer and feels shame for the silence you allow.

PR strategy? We didn’t need one. We had data, serious f*cking data. We knew where to be when. We knew who wanted us to be how. We knew why they where with her and what they wanted her to be. We literally knew everything about every voter in the country.

Well, I guess we’ll just disagree then. Best case scenario is she wins a couple billion and donates it to the Clinton Foundation.

why did she lose?

This is clearly a BS money-grab suit but I really hope she bankrupts the NBA.

She was the most qualified candidate in the history of American politics. Still is, actually.

Why do people do this these days? If they encounter anything outside their comfort zone they just say “troll” and continue merrily on their way as if their opinion that really may be wrong was never challenged. I have friends that do this IRL and cannot grasp the lack of intellectual pride that allows this.

They ran away from laws mandating civil war? I don’t think we have those laws.

Why did you avoid my question?

Wrong. That’s a karate uniform. I know because I take karate. Also, there’s no way that guy is a black belt. So this is clearly some kind of costume which is really inappropriate. The gay pride flag was a nice touch but he really needs to not wear it on top of a karate uniform. Sends the wrong message.

This is ridiculous. A black woman just won a primary in Georgia or Mississippi recently. Kamala Harris is black and a huge name for us. Corey Booker isn’t a woman but he’s black. Barack Obama. Maxine Waters. Michelle Obama. Frederica Wilson. The list goes on.

Found the Bernie Bro that ruined Hillary’s chances and gave us Trump.

If Muslims became a majority in America, what kind of laws do you think they would pass?

Jeff Goldblum is many things: an one-note actor, a recognizable voice, someone who spends a lot of time in front of a mirror, an “I’m still cool and young” dad type, a guy who wears glasses he doesn’t need, a gigantic narcissist, hubris personified, and among other less than desireable entities a person who tries to

True, but I don’t get why her tweet was racist. Valerie Jarrett is white.

This article did not tell us anything we did not already know. The most interesting part of this article is not the words but the picture used. Ivanka Trump’s neck looks very strong, which is unusual for a girl. I’m not sure how one might exercise a neck but it seems she has found a way. Anyway, anything’s possible.

Trump is a Nazi for sure but this is the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in 1928.