Vitamix A3500

Trump has no experience with MS-13 members, what they go through, and what brought them to join an organization like MS-13. Some of the greatest people I know are El Salvadorians, and in large part they are great because of their history, their culture, and their struggle. These are strong, desperate people.

This is why nobody lives in Switzerland [8.3 million people], needlessly expensive. In America [325 million] a roll of duct tape is only $4. It’s called “economies of scale.”

Plenty of POCs have money and power. These kinds of stereotypes are harmful. Let’s maybe not.

There is a silver lining to this story. Despite Trump, America remains the #1 destination for trans immigrants. They risk everything to get here, and that speaks highly of who we are as a country. They seek our friendship, our tolerance, and - especially for the HIV+ like this one - our excellent healthcare. If

Another Gibson fluff piece. Why am I not surprised?