Vitamin Shoe

Can you please stop with the relentless hype? You guys (and by “you” I mean “the media”) do this all the time: every horror movie that comes out is supposed to be so scary or gory that audiences can’t take it, and it never turns out to be anything close to that. The worst of these things was the story going around

Well, that’s what happens when you introduce foreign genres to an audience that can’t handle them.

Oh, I just figured it was the law that Australian theaters had to show previews for the latest Toni Colette film before all of their screenings.

I saw the trailer in front of A Quiet Place. It was definitely creepy, but any unsettling feeling was immediately undercut by my realization that the high school kid was from the recent Jumanji movie. 

Trying to recall, it was on a channel I rarely watch, but couldn’t pass up when I saw the title. I think it was Fuse, but I’m not certain.

I thought you were full of it. So I went to eBay. Once there, I found this. Then I died a little on the inside.

Try finding Gleaming the Cube on DVD under $80.
I’ve been trying to find a copy for years - they need to re-release it.

And Star Trek!

John Wiccan?

I’m a little teapot

I can buy someone finding Torque shitty, though I would personally disagree (which is part of the reason I picked it.) Can’t understand someone calling it mundane though.

Just like... me! My God, I never realized, that film defines me!

I’m not surprised. The show peaked too soon when the main character reads “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live” then goes & murders a whole wiccan church.

Have to politely disagree with you. (Being Canadian it’s all I’m legally permitted to do.) I thought the book started well but devolved into narcissistic drivel. I decided that if I were one of his family members stoning would have been to good for him.

CBS is still on?

CBS put its faith in this show, and it was subsequently stoned to death. (Deuteronomy 17:2–5) 

The new series will be replaced in its timeslot by reruns of The Big Bang Theory...

Ooo, I hate you for that!

It can be two things!

Pretty sure The Rock was 2017s highest paid actor.

edit: Actually looks that Neo-Nazi Walhberg was 2017s highest paid actor. The Rock was no. 2.