Yeah, I knew there’d be a shorter path using someone else from Inception.
Yeah, I knew there’d be a shorter path using someone else from Inception.
or, like, people with children? people with familial bonds and healthy emotional relationships? People who don’t post stupid fucking comments on nerd blogs?
Apple knows how to up its game, though. I’ve gone from being satisfied with my lack of an Apple TV unit to being downright ecstatic that I don’t have one.
When asked if Chevy should succeed him on The Tonight Show, Johnny Carson famously opined “Chevy Chase couldn’t ad-lib a fart after a baked-bean dinner.”
“he popped up in The Dark Knight Rises as the unnamed congressman who gets played by Catwoman.”
Brett Cullen morphed so gradually into a poor man’s Sean Bean, I didn’t even notice until now.
If Norm MacDonald gets you slightly closer to a heart attack I’ll watch every fucking thing he says.
“Sorry about the 9/11 thing. I forgot to never forget because I have alzheimer’s like a friggin’ retard.”
The fallout.
This is a bit. And people are pissed because he doesn’t really care that people are pissed.
He didn’t say the exact right thing!
I liked Nacho Libre, except for the fact that it was a eighty-five minute film that somehow took a hundred minutes.
This movie did have the best elote joke of any movie ever. I don't think it needs a sequel though
See also Milo once he got deplatformed. Turns out, banning them from getting views is a LOT better than sunshine and giving them a free platform!
Sadly, all this does is turn him into a marty.
So this is what happens when unstoppable blood-crazed werewolfs meets an immovable blood-crazed werewolf...
You could start most seasons of their dramatic shows at Episode 6 and lose absolutely nothing of value.
Is he serious about “the algorithm”? Because Netlfix productions have the worst pacing of any big content producer I’ve ever seen. The episodes are too long and there are too many of them, everytime.
technically yes, in japan a Disney cartoon is still anime, anime just means animation.