Twitch is the thing where people watch other people play video games, right? That is the #1 thing about the next generation that I absolutely do not understand the popularity of in any way whatsoever.
Twitch is the thing where people watch other people play video games, right? That is the #1 thing about the next generation that I absolutely do not understand the popularity of in any way whatsoever.
“It tastes good” is a pretty airtight defense.
I... disagree.
Wow. This is like the holy trinity of things I don’t understand the popularity of. Drake, Fortnite, and Twitch!
And painstakingly removing feet from every character
Or more more likely, the brain gets tossed in a dumpster in a couple weeks, after this doofy little startup burns through all its capital.
Seems like sound math to me
I’m sure Apple will very soon perfect this procedure. They’ll also perfect the legal case to say that once you upload, your consciousness is owned by them in perpetuity.
Only $10k? That sounds too good to be true.
Now who’s being cynical? The formula is simple:
A new startup wants to upload your brain to a server, but with one very small catch: they want to play catch with you first.
Matt Smith was the Doctor on Doctor Who. It’s a pretty big role,
You had me at “100 percent fatal” service. You don’t even need to bother with the preservation or uploading part.
Well I for one am glad they’re *scientific* embalming chemicals, that fills me with optimism on this venture.
the catch is theyre uploading you to Kinja
A new startup wants to upload your brain to a server, but with one very small catch: they want to upload your brain to a server.
A new startup wants to upload your brain to a server, but with one very small catch: They don’t know how.
This was, well, over a decade ago but I remember the Chaplin/Elvis rant, the final shootout, I guess the opening shootout and a lot of ribald humour from Sid Haig.
This is why I think every open world game needs a photo mode. Artists spend thousands of hours building these amazing worlds and being able to stop and take pictures of them is amazing and really lets their work shine. I’ve spent hours in Horizon Zero Dawn taking pictures - being able to adjust the time of day and…
Did they use their pom poms to fashion a bindle sack?