
You can vape with no visible exhalation just as easily.”

... Yeah. It’s not Southwest.

The hardline stance produces results, with cases dropping by 80 percent since 2021.

yup.  Naughty one who’s either being punished, crying, or hiding. I’m never sure.  Just creepy to me.

They’re overlooked default slide show titles. Poor editing.

Several years back I stopped going to shows unless they’re limited to cars 25 years old or more. And no “restomods,” which are cheap/quick shortcuts for those too lazy to do a real restoration.

The sad look is so much better

Nothing wrong with pointing out a clear and present danger to all parties involved.

Can we just fucking delete tiktok already?

no more people telling you about their religious convictions because they engaged you in conversation and found out you do scientific research”

Hey, those alpha bros can repeat the whole “look how tough I am” schtick with the kidney stones they’ll earn themselves.

Perhaps I’m the only ignorant bastard who needed to Google SEMA to find out what it was, but I kinda doubt it. This is why it’s cool to write out acronyms on first use.

ya, Biden / Harris are trying to stop the sale of those brand new 1957 Chevy Bell Airs and 1932 Duce Coupes. Oh god what will we do with such tyranny.

Eh, in all my years of long-haul flights, I’ve seen plenty of people do it without any issues even if it’s drier in the cabin. The stupid part is when people take on these TikTok “challenges” and behave differently that they normally would. A regular traveler who doesn’t feel like having a drink ≠ some dumb kid who is

In high school I learned about propaganda. I wish those lessons had been taught to or understood by everyone, because we are in the thick of it now. One of the cornerstones of democracy is a free press, and ours has been undermined and/or co-opted by one political party in particular. And I’m sorry, the degree of

Not drinking water on a long-haul flight isn’t a nothing burger; it’s stupid.

The Guardian did an article on this and they said it was specifically an “alpha-male” thing to prove how macho they are.  So you can add some toxic masculinity to their wall-staring.

Basically, instead of listening to music, reading a book or watching a movie on a flight, some flyers are choosing to skip all that in favor of simply watching the flight map until they land.

Oh Gee... you’re telling me an organization that puts on a car show where most of the participants are people with lots of money and no taste happens to be extremely politically conservative?

I’m shocked!!

Blinding blue LED headlights and gunshot fart can mufflers 4evah!