
That single line was a zipper merge that already happened and you chose not to participate in, and would be moving along at the posted speed limit but instead now has to stop to let your galactically selfish and stupid ass in.

Gotta chime in that I’ve had State Farm for going on 36 years and would never switch because of the way they bundle everything, handle claims efficiently, give me exactly the coverage I want, automatic approval for car loans, and have 2 agents within 1 mile of my house. Those years have had a lot of accidents, ranging

I’ve had auto insurance with State Farm since 1988, as well as several auto loans. They still exist as they take money out of my bank account every month.

Maybe you just add a step?

that’s supposed to be a kid?

waved ffs

journalism shmournalism

With kids these days, even so-called detox is performative.

JFC will you kids stop saying “literally” all the damn time? Enough already!

I don’t blame you!

This is immediately what pooped into my Gen X head.

Yeah. In Ohio you get a “memorandum of title” until you pay it off, then you either request the actual title from the county bureau or the lender once you do. Just had my request for a recently paid off car notarized 2 days ago.

Isn’t the whole point of the 3rd brake light that it’s supposed to be significantly higher than the other two?

They sure made the brake lights bright too, eh?

The connection to Twitterfuhrer Musk seems to me the highlight but no one else is mentioning it.

One can scarecely mention Kid Rock without including his comrade Up North, Sweaty Teddy Poopy Pants.

I literally write for a living”

It looks like a threesome between the Black Tumbler, a Zumwalt-class destroyer and Pyramid Head.

Yeah weed is so mainstream anymore, this looked like good way to get edgy again, figuratively and literally.

I guess in the process of me getting old, the words “fired” and “laid off’ have become synonymous in some quarters. Or maybe it’s just lazy journalism. Who knows anymore?