
In order to claim economic damages though, he is going to have to stop acting like a chicken shit and admit to what it means.

Yep. The BMV should be consistent. If they approved FDT and FU TRMP then dude has a point. Unfortunately, vanity plates are an expensive privilege and not a right, so good luck to him.

Did that composition just not have enough oomph without shoehorning a suit-clad Rotwang in there?

So many corners were cut that the vehicle ended up designed only for drivers shaped like basketballs:

Best thing about seeing the world from the back back back of a ‘74 Gran Torino SW is that you were 15 feet from mom and dad.

Doesn’t it make you feel better...

As a driver/lesee/owner of 3 Focuses, 2 Fusions and a Taurus, I say to Ford

They should really teach financial literacy in schools.”

It’s possible you were conceived there too?


This is Tondo, Manila level barong-barong.


Anyone that age took their DMV exam in a stick

yep. my late septugenarian parents and my brother’s in-laws have had several

My bruschetta and eggrolls beg to differ. Porque no los dos?

Yes! it’s a time honored American tradition to love the hell out of the benefits of slaves’ work and then not give two shites about them when they are freed from said “work”. It was/always/will be black people then women then poor whites who have taken the shaft all these centuries.

What’s a milk drinker like you doing out here? Go home to your mother.

They usually use many decks to make it as hard as possible to do in your head.

I think the whole point of the 9/11 attacks were to destroy as much as possible key buildings - not kill air travelers. I don’t think airport bombings are really other than a random possibility.

that was beautiful