
I guess including IQ as well as height is a decent idea for mugshots.

won’t add a star to the 88 currently

agreed, no way the header isn’t manipulated

You missed some golden 21st century branding opportunities by not calling them Bi-coin and 3itcoin.

Pluto got agitated right out of planetude a while back, so no worries.

I know, right! I’ll start rustling up some influencers and farmbros right away.

The trends suggest otherwise

Getting beat at capitalism will always produce butthurt.

if I buy $200 million of chicken shit, and some dumbass buys it for $400 million, does that mean it’s a viable currency and store of value?

Holy mixed metaphors, Batman! Do you even capitalism?

This is why capitalism is the best system ever invented.

They just want to own all the property and collect rent.

Rather, it has to do with the aircrafts’ “No Smoking” signs, which are required by a 1990 law to be operated by the flight crew.

Then what was the same about them, besides the lack of something which doesn’t actually exist?

Anyone reminded of Sid Meier’s Railroads from that song?

Pontiac T-1000

<Says the guy riding in steerage>. Oops, I got caviar on my tuxedo! Garcon! Bring the Dom Perignon and a silk napkin!

A thousand thank yous for typing “blown” and not sucked. The amount of supposedly informed people still thinking suction exists anywhere, let alone all around a moving airplane, is quite disheartening.

I guess when you only make one fuqing car, this seems like a flex.

What does AI need with two sets of mirrors?