
In other words, it’s long overdo for its place in the Guinness Book.

you got those backward, but good comment nonetheless

If only all these people online who have provocative opinions and the courage to write them gave a flying fart about how much fun they were at parties, you legions of dudebrahs who simply cannot come up with anything other than the same gaddam line - every single time - might actually have a purpose for once.

Make Jalopnik (o4gto’s version of) Great Again?

yeah, hyper-milers in general are stink on wheels. If you go the same way everyday and have the lights timed and creep along around the speed limit, fine, but in the right lane only. But there is no reason other than ashhole to be going ~20 mph anywhere besides a school zone.

Yeah, the vote no signs said “protect parent’s rights”, as if every g-d abortion is for some 16 year-old girl who simply won’t abide making them doting grandparents. The stupid initiative in August was “protect democracy”.

The third seat in both our Gran Torino wagons was the “back-back-back”. Nothing beat falling asleep back there with the rear-door window down on a hot summer day. Especially if you had a fresh lime Mr. Misty in the window-mounted cup holder.

For people that pride themselves on speaking proper English, the perpetually revolting grammar of that nonsense title is not their finest hour.

Learn the difference between definitions and descriptions of use.

That’s the stupidest thing i’ve ever seen. (See! No literally needed!)

that’s easy - the black mobs are your own rancid bender turds because your head lives in your ass

count me as embarrassed and disgusted

It would be hilarious for him to get a medal for just metaphorically picking up the kids, but since “literally picking up” means he lifted them off the ground, maybe he should get some kind of medal for that. And the story doesn’t mention Chris Rock at all, so it was figuratively his bit. He’d probably sue Ron for

Well from the details of the article we can’t rule out metaphorically having cancer.

Maybe we can start looking at the Supreme Court’s action to kick abortion to the states as not as bad as we thought it would be. Their number one weapon - gerrymandering - is irrelevant in statewide referendums.

Our state continues to present as a quantum superposition. Maybe they’ll go back to calling us a purple state when Sherrod gets re-elected.

I hope they stick to the current strategy so it continues to occasionally blow up in their faces. Picking issues that lack popular support seems to be a major weakness of conservatism. Gaming the system and then lying about it is much more their style.

Fair enough. But I don’t listen to any podcasts. 

This whole thing is based on Rapinoe’s pre-emptive White House snub last time around and some kneeling. In other word’s, Trumps personal beef and a Whole Lot of Toadying.

For example, I personally consider there are warning signs that the USWNT youth system is no longer producing world class talent, or at least what is currently required to be elite, at the same rate as before.