
and nazi trolls are the lawless mobs and criminal class of every country

So what are they going to do with the ~4 billion pixels they recovered?

This was identified by Indians on the internet hours after the photo was made public.

This is what happens when people who gerrymandered the shit out of a state keep thinking they represent the people. My state walks a fine line between moderate Republicans who seem to care about Ohioans and batshit insane writers who try to shoot down Chinese spy balloons with a rifle or ones that are so corrupt they

exactly this

legend has it he bought that logo used from Xerox

After losing their minds about women in race cars and Star Wars and superhero movies and basketball referees and #metoo and damn near everything else, these kinds of reactions are now boilerplate and should surprise no one.

As if cars don’t run red lights or ignore crosswalks or ride in bike/bus lanes. JFC are you really that threatened or does reality swirl counterclockwise in Oz?

When I don’t want people commenting on my body, the first thing I do as well is post dozens of pics on social media.

Ok, then your post is an empty tautology.

All they do is lie, all the time.

ooh look it’s another “be kind to Nazis” putz

Planned Parenthood?

These are rearguard actions of terrified, desperate people who are seeing their un-earned place at the top of the food chain being erased before their eyes and will lash out at anything that they perceive as a threat to the old orthodoxies. It’s all they have left in a world where freedom of movement of labor is

A trillion trees, planted 10 per second, would take 3,170 years and the land area of the entire continental United States.

A trillion trees, planted 10 per second, would take 3,170 years and the land area of the entire continental United States.

Major League Baseball

comments like this are why articles like this never stop getting published

been doing that with gods for thousands of years, so why not one more?

Right! This is so big we need Micho Kaku to woo us to sleep with dreams of sweet phlogiston and Nobel Prizes.