
Anyone remember the fog light fad of the late 80s and early 90s? Suddenly, everyone wanted to have after-market ones installed on their cars, which were left on all the time, even in daylight. Some of them were pretty bright, or aimed up too high. Fortunately, car makers took notice of the desire and started adding

I clicked a few hyperlinks within this story and none of them were related to the story. Turn off the AI or just stop doing this and wasting our time.

I mean yeah - you learn everything you need to know about someone in almost zero time. It has it’s uses, I suppose. And kind of reminds me of that old Far Side comic - “How nature says do not touch” - with pictures of a coiled snake, a cat with it’s back up, and a dude wearing a boot on his head and carrying a rocket

It would be irrelevant if she wasn’t so high and mighty about “Christian morality,” but the hypocrisy makes it relevant.

Same reason they say that voter fraud is rampant and then every time someone commits voter fraud, they’re found to be a Republican.

I don’t know how much I trust polling anymore, but last I heard, I think she was trailing her rival by double digits, so I’m hoping she does indeed go away. I assume she’ll show up on the commentator circuit, but she has the wrong hair color to be on Fox’s “Blond Power Hour of Hate.” And 37-year-old grandmas aren’t

I see what you did there.


I try to not let anything poop anywhere near my head.

That was definitely the disappointment of the day lol.

What Pontiac should have built was a production version of the Holden Coupe 60 concept:

They keep the title until the loan is paid or they make a cash sale. What motive would many people have with a clear title and a fat loan to pay off the loan?

Those foods kill the people eating them. Your gun can kill me. Big difference.

If you take away guns, it might slow them down a bit, but as knives / trucks / rocks / planes / sticks with nails in still exist, criminals will still be criminals.

The only thing that stops bad guys with performance cars are good guys with performance cars?

This isn’t an either-or thing. Plus, plenty of restrictions have been placed on cigarettes (banned in public spaces, near building entrances, etc), and cities also have started implementing additional taxes on items containing insane amounts of sugar.
Also, neither sugar nor fatty foods nor cigarettes provide the

In fairness, these were supposedly undercover cops, not unmarked. It’s pretty reasonable that you wouldn’t have obvious surveillance devices on your undercover agents other than when doing a targeted action, as that’s usually a pretty sure fire way to get their cover blown at best, and them killed at worst. It’s also

Here, let me help you finish reading - This was in reply to a reporter who brought up the recent surge of car thefts through the use of counterfeit key fobs.

I agree, but I also question what anyone should be expecting from someone who doesn’t realize their doing donuts within striking distance of an unmarked cruiser, in a stolen car. Said person seems liable for some unpredictable shit.