
What the hell is going on, why are Americans acting like this us a new thing. This news is literally 20 years old. I know the stereotype is that people from the US are bad at geography but come on...

...permanently shrinking our solar system family to eight and giving grade school textbook publishers across the world a massive headache.

Corporate America has no idea what do with a holiday that’s not meant to sell stuff and recognizes the failings of our nation. 

Why are you guys reprinting an article from 1992? I mean, some institution doing the “Hey, it’s Black Day, let’s serve them some black food...” thing? Seriously, there’s enough news today for you to cov...

Dark City is a fuckin’ masterpiece IMO. Love that movie to death.

The most dated thing about the movie (lack of smartphones aside) is that we’re expected to find a young Shia Labeouf’s obnoxious over-caffeinated wisecracking endearing.

The Crow and Dark City are two of my faves. I wish he got more and better work.

This was solved years ago on the Tony Brown show. These ideas - just like all racists ideas - are not new or even original.

Haha...25 years?  I don’t think so.  It’s only been around since windows 95 and that was...wait.  Carry the one...  oh god.

Wouldn’t it be easier and less painful to just punch yourself in the genitals over and over instead of installing (beta) windows 11 from some random internet link????

wow another tesla cult comment. elon musk and his army of nodding idiots don’t approve. shocker. none of these have actually accomplished a damn thing in their lives, but they make time to bemoan honest criticisms of tesla, the single most impactful....wait, what? 

This is what happens when you start getting high on your own farts.

And yet Elon will never notice you.

Amen. I was born to white upper-middle-class professionals with a big house up in the hills and enough money to go on trips to Europe and Hawaii every year.

You think that shit was humble?! That was full-on arrogant bragging!

If you need to put restraints and regulations on capitalism so it doesn’t seek its logical extreme one could easily argue that capitalism is the problem.

and didn’t expect us to think about it too hard  at all.

The other thing wrong with this ad is that Gavin Rossdale is English, so the whole premise of Gwen saying she wants a guy from another country is kind of weird. Obviously whoever wrote this ad was going for the joke and didn’t expect us to think about it too hard.