
Heat of what friction? There was air in that tube and it would have escaped in bubbles. It is not a “vacuum” cavity collapsing.  Unless your colon vaporizes when you fart in the bathtub, better lay off those utube science videos.

That would be counter to the core operating principles of both our government and capitalism. Better to ask your dog to start shitting golden turds.

Looks like you answered your own question, and, by the way it is written, I bet you do it a lot.

A conservative authority figure turns out to be a pedo creeper.

Thx for the heads up.

Canuck spotted

Goering took a bullet to the junk and Hitler was charged with treason and went to prison, just like Stewart Rhodes who got 18 years. People died in both events. Claiming people called either a “joke” is an edgelord take.

How is it that a group of conservatives can produce stinking bullshit bigger and faster than an equal number of cows? They consistently sound like a bunch of children at the lunch table. They are so goddamn dumb, why would anyone be afraid of them?

If she wasn’t threatening violence, then what the hell WAS she saying, and why?

It is the sign of a colossal or immature ego to bemoan your life after your own death. As if.

I was being sarcastic. Sorry it wasn’t more clear.

Where does the article say it was a state form? The article is most likely mistakenly referring to ATF form 4473 Section B Question 21

Three of which were during a Trump DOJ. Any other farts you need to huff or are you done?

Here’s your answer, Tucker

the charges are federal 

Marijuana will have to be taken off DEA Schedule I federally, first. Those legal avenues are always state level.

Jo Malone wasn’t forced, but this did happen.

I’m going to vote for him if I get the chance. Always liked him.

Graveyard Shift should be #1

How much of #3 is deuterium. Genuinely curious.