
How much of #3 is deuterium? Genuinely curious.

Shitting and peeing in a diaper has loads (hehe) of sensory feedback too, but most of us learn to live without it.

When you produce things for profit and not for use, you will always have these problems. The same exact problems exist with food and look how great that’s been sorted in the last 100 years.

they do.

apparently not, if you know about it

apparently not, if you know about it

Yes, the possession of extraterrestrial artifacts, which is what TFA is about, if true has most definitely been buried.

Sometimes skank only gets you so far.

I’m sure the drop to 4.9 would feel much more devastating than it should.”

Considering it would be the first thing annihilated by any opposing space force, Alabama certainly sounds like a solid choice.

It says “I’m an OFW in Korea”

Thanks for taking one for the team.

repulsive people

How long are we going to continue playing this stupid game

In Toledo it’s Jeep. Since they are made here.

Sorry that your life’s work was all for naught, Nazi? What a shame. It’s not like anyone naming themselves “rockhard69" was going to amount to anything after high school anyway.

IKR? Reality is barely even a speedbump to them anymore. It’s not like she or any of them is getting elected next year though - they have forgotten that all of the enemies that have gotten conservative presidents elected since WWII have been external.

The smaller and weaker the group to hate is, the easier it is for conservatives to hate them. Women, blacks, Spanish speakers, Jews, Mooslims and gays are all now big and/or organized enough to meaningfully push back, politically and especially economically, so transpeople get the crosshairs this election.

Sorry, grognard is not a permitted player class in this campaign.

D&D never was “cheap” and was often a birthday or christmas present rather than a regular buy.