
This is closer to justice than a jail term or fine could be.

LOL. While i would not say no to Idris Elba in anything, I’d rather see a black superman that is truth, justice and the American way than another edgy, badass attitude stereotype. Black actors can espouse the best in humanity (or Kryptonity?) just as good as anyone and the sooner it becomes normal in mass media the

Wait, there’s only ONE DC universe? Or just yours? Fat Albert is a terrible example because the fact that they were black in 1970's USA is inseparable from the characters. The whole show only made sense in that context.

but I thought this was lassez-faire, free-market capitalism


“Superman, his whiteness is hardwired”

Exactly. As a FICTIONAL character, he is what ever the writers make him.

This just in: Superman is a fictional character. Next you’ll be saying Jesus is white. 

I vote for Calloway and Cole’s jawlines.

This sounds like the real story here. Elmo doesn’t like another smart, rich person pointing out how risky investing in his company is.

same old nazi shit

This makes me proud to see these young people kicking ass and taking names (particularly chess). Imagine where this country would be today if we had been 100% including this talent since 1865. No, we did the stupidest thing possible and are still paying for it in the 21st century. I mean, we gave Nazis jobs right

Great article!

Bad journalism is thinking every story has two equal, newsworthy sides.

Ah, what you are looking for is The RootUK

username checks out

what about the other 199?

tried posting the pic of the shooters nazi tattoos, but can’t. They can be googled though.

That guy is an irrelevant moron. F-ck CNN for even giving him airtime.

I did Nazi that coming from you