
The customer has always paid 100% of labor costs. Some people in these comments are delusional.

They were clad head to toe in loser rebel gear. They already were dicks.

Anyone naming their kid “Invicta” is telling you all you need to know.

Texass seems to be ground zero lately

This country has been at war longer than Canada has been a country. It formed its own government ex nihilo, through battle, whereas yours came from, and still to an extent does, from another empire. Guns and racism is in its DNA. As long as America exists as the country it is right now, it will have a guns and racism

Edit: deleted

Toughen up or go home to Ohio”

Boy I never get tired of the endless photos of that raisin and his god damned pray hands


Agreed. Right now it fills the same niche as phlogiston and luminiferous ether.

Imagine feeling threatened by comic book movies


user name checks out

They are, but their idea of a better world has always included slavery and genocide.

Well, is it a permitted service trench or not? There are people of a certain persuasion that live their lives ignoring facts and playing “gotcha” for cameras. They have no interest in governating. Is that the case? Lord knows governments and public utilites perform so much more efficiently when sillyvilians pull

Skillz did a great job of summing up life.

lotta women marrying 12 year olds then

What amazes me is just how stupid these (and many, many others) cops are. And Americans repeatedly have to die because of it.

every single second that the minute hand goes around”

poop and charred corpse aren’t as different as you think