
I wish I had more wreckless drivers in my neighborhood.

Is that fertility claim true? Even so, it would only apply to humans, elves and orcs. What would a human-halfling mix be, a quarterling? What about half-dragons? They are from different Classes, let alone species. Expecting conformity to real-world genetics rules might not be the way to go in a world with magic , but

Species’ should only sound “sci-fi” if you have a 16th century education. Calling Neanderthals, dwarves and elves a different race - really, continued use of the word in any context - reflects a fundamental error that should have disappeared by now.

It’s just stupidity. If so much of the planet is truly distrustful of government, why do we continue to have governments?

The past 20 years of world history, at least, has shown that conservatism has elevated cognitive dissonance to a performance art form in a way that would make Big Brother slow clap.

cuz he’s a murkin

Eventually, if you are going to be intellectually honest, you (we, they, et. al.) are going to have to tie this to capitalism and that’s just not going to fly with a genetically greedy an narcissistic species. We are too stupid to take some pandemic medicine, let alone stop production for profit.

not my gaze. these things are hideous.

Those aren’t mountains, they’re waves!

Today in No Shit Sherlock

Dr. Frankenstein, I presume? Your first sentence is a master class in tautologies. Life evolved quickly and easily (ROFL) under habitable conditions?

My wife has required a bag over my head for 20 years. Maybe she’s way ahead of the curve here?

As a chemist, I want to thank jackasses like this for making a brand new lab coats worn on TV the clown costume of the 21st century (along with desk jockeys wearing shiny hard hats).

in end-stage state capitalism, where all facets of life from being born to global geopolitics have been successfully converted in to business transactions, the only hill conservatism has left to die on is the one on which they are standing.

(moved to proper comment)

At least aMonopoly-millionaire” would imply a real achievement

For some reason this phenomenon of obnoxious child Trump worshippers reminds me of the photo of a broken Hitler outside the Berlin bunker pinning medals on teenagers as the Soviets closed in

require the use to have a modicum of intellect”

It seems the Party of White Male Grievance comes in several quanta, Clint Eastwood (his entire body of work), obnoxious douches like Charlie Kirk and this guy (who are fast-tracking to Clint Eastwood), crypto-Nazis like Hannity and Carlson, raving lunatics like Mike Pillow and GohMart, as well as all of their

Why don’t they just be done with it and link being alive to getting cancer because that’s what it boils down to. Making connections like this imply that stopping causes X,Y, and Z of cancer will stop cancer and that’s just silly. Adjusting your entire life to completely avoid the risk of cancer (or anything else) is