
sad thing was he had those repeatedly which just kept him going 

Well, I’m not trying to be a dick, but as of now one of us is 100% right. I sure wouldn’t presume make value judgements like to call earth-life simple or “complex” when we don’t even know for certain what it is.

That you think your post constitutes anything more than throwaway snark, kinda sorta literally says it all about yours.

Twins fan?

I don’t know if that’s really the right take.”

vastly underrated comment

You’re absolutely right! Critical race theory and evolution should be taught in every school!

I find it hard to imagine life existing anywhere else, because I believe life and earth are the same unique, inseparable thing and not a process that merely occurs on top of the other when enough boxes are checked. But hey, like you said, our conception of “life” is constantly changing (i.e. somewhat complex?) so who

This has gone so far off the reservation as to have become a cartoon. Labelling something that millions or billions of people do - out in the open against little to no resistance - a conspiracy makes the term superfluous and meaningless. Truth and belief don’t enter into it. That’s all I’m claiming.

jfc wasting my time with this buuuuuuuuulshit

Were you wearing a fedora (NO a Trilby) when you typed that? I already answered your first question but I said normal/common behavior and not f-ing religious people. Pay attention.

Is it a football shaped plaque that gets yoinked away the second they lay ocular receptors on it? What if the future readers of Turkish Proverb is the Armenian Star Empire?  Maybe they’ll just melt the gold down into bling.

yes. yes, you are.

Evidence monkeys could fly out of my butt could exist on the set of Wizard of Oz

uh, what?

then you have rendered the term meaningless. well done. 

that is very difficult to verify even if true.

if you apply the label to normal/common behavior, you render it meaningless. 

yes. If you apply the label to normal/common human behavior, you render it meaningless.

But I LITERALLY (as all writing is) didn’t bring up elevators, if you were paying attention.