
Maybe those pchem classes melted my brain, but I think all vision, as well as all chemistry, “uses” quantum mechanics.

salmiak licorice 

This is what happens in a world that hires childr- um,creative people”, who don’t speak English and work for “likes”

fox is opportunistic and disingenuous OMG

there is nothing more enraging than seeing pic after pic after pic of Tim Apple with his hands folded.

ask yourself the same question, but replace LESS with NO and the answer becomes clear.

Apparently superposed hair is the no longer the final frontier....

on a near weekly basis since end of May”

Nazi asks other Nazi “are whites better at brain?”

The effects of such a large bootstrap industry must be horrible to bear

They go to church on Sundays to keep that insidious cognitive consonance from creeping in. To be fair, this world sucks enough (and has since forever) that dealing with it as it is is just too overwhelming or depressing for some. Sometimes logic and reason just don’t cut the mustard. 

Traffic deaths blamed on risky road behavior? You don’t say!

never underestimate the greed of human beings

A self-own so hard it might reverse the flow of time. This could barely have been handled worse. Physician, heal thyself.

I don’t know how anyone concerned with privacy and security could trust one of these types of devices -ever- in this world.

Cognitive dissonance isn’t a bug anymore, it’s a feature.

nobody tell eastern european 20 somethings

all active UV absorbers in sunscreens are benzene derivatives due to that sweet sweet pi ring

From the party of lassiez-faire capitalism and small government

I have an older Kone and it is a damn good mouse.

I have an older Kone and it is a damn good mouse.