
Peddled heroin

Signal 88 has been doing this in Toledo for years

Any sufficiently advanced grift is indistinguishable from magic. I can't understand anyone or anything about this but I guess we've run out of physical targets of our insatiable greed and now have unicorn fart cults.

Next they'll be coming for his previous bodily fluids

Because the Demonrats have always been terrorist coddlers. Just look at the zero executions of insurrectionists 4 months later.

The US has played offense for pretty much its entire history. Addressing weaknesses would first involve admitting they exist. Unfortunately this country is far too vain and stupid.

methane, a greenhouse gas that’s 80 times more planet-warming than carbon in the short term.”

Paint her face gold and she’s (another) 21st century Maschinenmensch

It is nothing more than empty hype to talk about “records” in a activity being performed by a unique vehicle in the solar system for the first time ever. Everything it does - including existing - is some kind of “record”.

I don’t know how sorry I feel for people who get scammed by get-rich-easy or quick schemes.

Right, but that’s not the issue. “Plant-based” would mean no yeast or other non-plant ingredients - which would be made in a process alien to how the people Kudlow is scaremongering understand “beer”.

To be fair, yeast is not a plant and sometimes fish-based clarifiers are used.

this guy fucks goats

I wish I could have recorded the $100 shakedown in Luna Pier, Michigan back in the early 00's.

especially if you’ve bought into the entire Apple ecosystem”,(etc)

a feat not even attempted during the mid-century heyday of the Moon landings”

carry on then

That’s my complaint (however I did use the word accessorizing). Every alcohol ad has a blurb or something re: drunk driving. Weed should too.

right that’s the point. The walmart workers never get special congressional help -but oh lawdy when some fossil fuel workers might get pushed out of a dying industry....

these types of articles should stress the importance of accessorizing with a couch instead of a vehicle when you are “blazing”