
lol more texans work at walmart than the oil industry 

A reason fossil fuels have gotten the lion’s share of energy subsidies may be because about 80% of energy consumed in the US is still fossil fuel based.”

These articles always have a picture of Paul Bearer on in them. Someone somewhere is having a big laugh.

The fossil fuel industry is as racist as all of capitalism because of the racist humans that participate in it. But we’ll never talk about that; instead -

That stuff makes it a lot harder to attach magnetic mines too.  /s

Every minute spent on this fool’s errand is one not spent on building Tron’s Solar Sailer, proven technology since 1982.

100 g of cadmium metal? what was he going to do, make shiny bullets?

Lysenko (scientist being used quite loosely). Knowingly foisted famine on 2 countries killing tens of millions. 

This makes me sad. I’ve had a couple of LG phones and loved them despite being ambivalent about smartphones in general. My all time favorite feature was a multicolored LED that you could customize for different kinds of notifications. Hope my current phone (V35 ThinQ) lasts a long time as I won’t be getting a new one

so this is an iPenis?

I put witch movies just below time-travel movies as guaranteed to screw it up.

now that would be a cool invention

I thought it was a younger Peter H. Gilmore for more than a second. I wonder what the connection could be, hmmmmmm

for the love of god

Difference in scale?

This will somehow work out better than all the others...

Charliekirk has entered the chat

Tap water is routinely required to be slightly depositing (in this case basic) for corrosion control reasons. Hydrated lime (pH ~13) is added constantly to achieve this for natural surface waters.

Or greed. If they need to pay for servers, charge more for the equipment.

I’d say after 4 strikes the damage has already been done.