
Say what you want about Lucas, but this is a masterpiece.

Come on now. Waiting for a song you liked sucked especially if all you had were top 40 stations. You couldn’t instantly play the songs you wanted and you had to make sure you had room on the tape for the next song. They frequently got eaten by shitty walkmans with low batteries and they melted in your car. Boxes of

New Orleans: Hi, Flint!

The great thing is that we don’t have to keep trotting out Somalia as the go-to small-government Malebolge that anarcho-caps can move to. Keep it Solid, South!

This redundant. But then, no one journalisms anymore and literally everyone incorrectly overuses “literally”.

Thumbs up for recognizing greed as the primary motivation for human conflict, but thumbs down for thinking stunted progress in spite of religion is the same as iPhone progress because of it and using some pretty pretentious language in doing so.


Sure seems like Earther likes to push the PRAMalot.

“OK” and “Hey “ are so retro. I heard it’s much more responsive to “So Google”, “Yeah No Google” and “Sort Of Google”.

yeah the only Gen X-ish president so far was black

“Oh well, whatever, never mind.”

“In the past, it was run by a character named Vlad Dracov, who was sort of Vlad the Impaler—that was sort of the whole domain’s schtick. Well, we’ve sort of got a Vlad-esque character with Strahd, already!

The US has 2 supergrids - Texass just chooses not to join them. Fark Texass.

With Oshkosh making them, they could have looked like the ones the cops get:

jesus f krist you and the fool that starred you are not helping

The amount of American effort being put into becoming as stupid as possible as quickly as possible dwarfs anything else we have ever accomplished.

Argle bargle

Sorry the compound sentence threw you off, but auto and semi auto anything is what I meant. Everyone knows they get modified.

But then, of course, it is too late. Simply ban the manufacture of semiauto and auto handguns and rifles in the US, slap a triple-dip tariff on imports, and sell everything through fed stores. All rights preserved.