
From TFA:

janet jackson

yeah afghanistan

The note/newsworthiness of Jobs’ presence on this list vs people like Tesla, Bell and Grace Hopper on a tech blog speaks volumes.

Nothing says “patriot” like espionage. It’s not like people have been executed for selling shit to the Russians or anything.

I remember when patriots didn't win all the super bowls

Cant star that enough

If only we could....

maybe it was the economics, but an offshore hosting seems in retrospect a better way to have started out

since they were Antifa imposters no one will have a problem with lining them all up and shooting them, right?

if this had been a BLM protest he would have been in riot gear

except that yesterday, Nancy Pelosi and pretty much everyone else called it an insurrection

Real, live Nazis are staging a putsch and no one seems to give a fuck. Real, live Nazis, taking marching orders from their Fuhrer.

Why is necessary for people of a certain age group to constantly put “literally” in absolutely everything they want taken seriously?

Lol yikes

re-mixes of the freshest hip hop beats from the early 90s.”

For the first several minutes I was reading it as Skylab, america’s first space station.

Please point me to the hyperinflation in the last 20 years. In America, which I was specifically talking about.

Donald Trump is merely the latest bloom of a very old corpse flower that has been nurtured in the fetid manure of american greed and narcissism since the 60's. His coming was not a matter of if, but when.

We figured out quite some time ago that you really can just print as much money as you need to get through a tight spot and it does fuck all to hurt the economy. 9/11, The Eternal Middle East War and the Housing Bubble Collapse are just that one summer at band camp now.